ReAct Funding
Are you about to be made redundant or have you been made redundant in the last six months?
You may be eligible for ReAct Funding. ReAct is the redundancy action fund from the Welsh Assembly Government. It is a package of support to help you gain new skills, overcome obstacles and improve your chances of returning to work following redundancy.
The ReAct fund can contribute up to £1,500 towards the cost of vocational training courses. The first step is to contact your local Careers Wales office for further information and to see if you are entitled to the training. The telephone number for Bridgend Careers Office is 01656 672972.
You are welcome to contact us at DLT Training Ltd on 01656 656382, to discuss options for training packages to help you, and we can also help to guide you through the ReAct Process.
DLT Training Ltd offer a wide range of courses (see link below)